Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tales of a Boxer… Or two!

I decided to sit down and compile my “boxer” stories!! A little back ground first... Max is a 5 year old Boxer; Chance got him when he was about a year old. His previous owner used to feed him bacon and eggs for breakfast and he would get McDonalds for lunch a dollar cheese burger. To this day Max recognizes the Golden Arches. While Max was living with Chance in Farmington he was known to get into mischief AKA: the trash. He also would eat things off the counter; burgers, short cakes, steak, etc!  Max always had free reign of the house and was allowed to sleep on the bed and be on the furniture.  So you can see how Max was king there. Lets switch over to Mason he is a 1 ½ year old Boxer, we got him from a breeder in OK, I am pretty sure he experienced brain damage during birth that or maybe he was born with the stupid gene, I’m still not sure! The dogs are not allowed on any of the furniture and are only given "people" food on special occasions!
Cut to October 09, Mason joins our family. I had all sorts of plans for him, he was going to be well trained and know everything. He would not get onto anything and we had planned to use him as a breeder dog, you know stud him out! Well one morning in March of 2010 I was folding laundry in the living room and I feel something wet on my leg, I look down and Mason is peeing on me… there went the stud plan he got neutered 3 days later! We thought maybe now he will calm down, no such luck it’s almost been a year and he’s still hyper as ever!
Now that Mason is about Max’s height he has learned that he too can put his front paws on the counter and reach food. Such as a pan of gravy boiling on the stove… Yes that’s right I said a boiling pan of gravy, doesn’t that sound delicious! Let’s recap the things Max has gotten; I was given squash from my Pawpaw’s garden and decided that I wanted to wait a few days to eat it, I had it setting on the counter (at this point it time Max was still loose in the house). A couple of days later I go to cook my squash and it is nowhere to be found, I ask Chance where it is or if he moved it, he says no. I call Memaw and ask her if I had left it there, she says no, that is when I realize Max had eaten it! But Max’s most famous kitchen rumpus was the day that he got into the pantry! We had forgiven him for eating the squash, that is until I came home and found him; he was hiding at the very end of the hallway, I had to maneuver across piles of macaroni and rigatoni, empty boxes of cookies, and a bag of cornflakes that were apparently not sweet enough for the fat boy! After I found him at the end of the hallway he went to the outside kennel, I went and met Chance at work, we went to dinner and the mess remained until Chance and I got home!
The last time they have gotten into anything was October. Sucker is really hard to get out of carpet, just saying! I had bought two 5lb bags of Halloween candy for our Church’s “Trunk or Treat” on this particular day I had to use the back door at the house, the reason escapes me right now though. So as I am walking across the back yard I see inside the window things all over the floor. I rush to get inside only to find they had eaten every tootsie roll in the bags and tried to get the tootsie roll out of the tootsie pops by biting into he suckers and getting them all over the carpet.  I am pretty sure the ring leader there was Max because he is the one that threw up 3 times and Mason only threw up once! 
Needless to say they are no longer left unattended inside the house. Chance tested this about a week ago and they got the oranges and onions off the counter, they didn’t like the onions but the oranges had bite marks guess they needed some vitamin C!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A reason, a season and a lifetime…

Remember the days when you had no responsibility, the most pressing thing you had to worry about was getting to the swings first at recess! When you think about it the many stages of our life gives us different worries.  As a child we worried about homework and getting to sit next our friends at lunch. When we hit adolescence we worried about what we were going to wear to school, getting to go to the football game and getting to sit next our friends at lunch. In high school we didn’t have to worry about sitting next to our friends, but we worried about getting a car, boys, and finding an after school job.  As we entered adulthood some of our friends were by our side, but we also made new friends and encountered new worries; paying rent, paying for college, relationships… the list goes on and on. One constant that was always there is “friends” what would you do without them? I have had many friends in my life and as I look back I am reminded of the saying “Some people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime”. I’m sure we have all had these types of friends, the reason friends; the ones that were there for you in a time of need or transition period in your life and when that need was over you somehow drifted apart.  The season friends, I like to think of the great times I had in school with my friends and even though we have drifted apart I know that we will always be friends, but we have grown apart. Then we have the lifetime friends, you know the ones that are in your wedding and there for the birth of your children. You may have not known them all your life but they are your lifelong friends.  They know everything about you; they have grieved with you and cried with you, and you have done the same with them. Before I got married I had plenty of friends, some were for a season, for a reason and some are lifetime friends, I have also met new friends and I am looking forward to the many years to come with them! This is to all my friends I am so incredibly thankful for all of you and I know that God has had a hand in bringing us together!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lions, Tigers, and Bears... again!!!

So as I sit here tonight at 10:20, I am replaying my day in my mind: Church this morning, lunch with the in-laws, a short cat nap, watching football, getting bored with football and starting a blog... church this evening, then playing volleyball with friends!! What a great day!! There is a reason for my title though, I am about to explain. My husband has always been an outdoors man, he hunts, he fishes, etc... I've seen my fair share of hunting and fishing shows, because actually hunting isn't enough... we have to watch it on TV too! He has now discovered the National Geographic channel, and we have not one but 2 NatGeo Channels, our DVR is crammed with shows from these channels. Alaska State Troopers, Wild Justice, Boarder Wars... all these shows are about law enforcement in different areas of the country! Then we have the animal shows, which the names escape me right now but they are about aligators, and snakes, lions, and tigers, preditors and prey! I'm not someone that likes to watch animals KILL other animals and really I see nothing entertaining or appealing about it. But "its nature babe" that is what I am told when I complain, so I have since stopped watching the male hippo kill the infant hippo so that the male can sooner mate with the infants mother since she no longer has a baby bacause he killed it! Or earlier when the python was trying to eat an entire alligator...Really? This is something that is fun to watch??!!? I don't get it! Not at all! Good night, and God Bless!


Hello world! I have decided to start a blog! So many crazy things happen to me that I think they need to be documented. Where to start... I guess a little about me: I'm 24 and married to my best friend and the love of my life, Chance. We live in Berryville AR and incase you have never heard of it don't worry, I hadn't either before I met Chance. We have been married for a year as of Dec 5th and we are still loving every minute of it (ok well mabe not every minute but you get the idea). We have 2 dogs, Max and Mason they are boxers and will probably be the subjects of many of my posts!! Max is about 5 and Mason a year and a half, they are absolutely crazy but we still love them, I have no idea why! Chance and I have crazy families and they aren't afraid to admit it. We live fairly normal lives day to day, we work and come home to our doggies. We lead a class of youngsters at church on Wednesday nights and that is he highlight of my work week! I am adjusting to "small town life" fairly well and I think I'm starting to blend in, lets hope so because I don't want any more of the craziness that plagued us in November! I'm really excited to start this blog and I can't wait to start posting the craziness!! Stay Tuned...